Emergence of ICT in education creates a new model of teaching-learning strategy by changing learning environment. In the information management systems, human agent is supposed to be playing a vital role (Peterson & Peterson 1988). In the manner, teachers are an important aspect in indulging technology in the education. According to me, the most important factor while teaching in digital era is more intensive adaption to new learning environment and accepting the challenges that could be faced by as an educator in the classroom. Exploring different e-tools for learning would be very helpful in effective teaching learning strategies. When I was teacher in my country, I used projectors, power point presentations, videos and exploring the information on different website and classroom discussion at the end to get to know what students have learn. I observe that learning with technology is a very creative and interesting way of exchanging the information as it is an active learning and motivate students to learn and engage more in the classroom. Through online feedback using comments, students get feedback in detail and go through in future for reference and improvement.
As a teacher, I would do preplanning for my whole course and depending on the age of students the whole course outline will be introduce so that they have an idea of what they are going to learn and how it impact their existing learning. According to me, learning outcome is an imperative part of each lecture, so if teacher and students have a clear picture of learning outcome then classroom becomes more interactive. I will include all the necessary tools that could be used for learning according to the level of learning and communicate with students more often so that they feel being cared. Also, including different quiz games application help for interactive classroom and can act as an aid of more learning and feedback as well. Including discussion forum in the course would help to encourage students to go through everyone’s post and ultimately they would be able to build new knowledge and confirm meaning through sustained reflection.
including a video to understand more about the philosophy of technology in education
I hope you all like this video
Hi Anjali!
Thank you very much for sharing your personal experiences with educational technology and your philosophy surrounding its implementation. I appreciate how in doing so you have highlighted how important it is for us to incorporate various aspects of communication and collaboration in order to help students, “build new knowledge and confirm meaning through sustained reflection”.
I also really appreciate you sharing the link to Christopher Long’s Teaching and Learning Philosophy with Technology article and video. I was very interesting, and I wholeheartedly agree with his statement that, “In order to cultivate a culture of cooperation in the classroom, it is important for the faculty member to relinquish some control in order to empower students to take a more active role in the learning endeavor” (2015). I also like how in his video he said that “Technology has been always been a part of human nature” (Long, 2015). So often, we forget that the idea of educational technology is not a new phenomenon or construct. If anything, as stated by Bates, today “Technology is forcing us to examine more fundamentally the purpose and process of teaching, what constitutes valid knowledge, and how best to acquire it” (2019, Chapter 1, Section 1.8).
Thanks again,
Bates, A. (2019, October 10). Teaching in a Digital Age – Second Edition. Retrieved May 23, 2020, from https://pressbooks.bccampus.ca/teachinginadigitalagev2/
Long, C. P. (2015, May 01). Teaching and Learning Philosophy with Technology. Retrieved May 23, 2020, from http://cplong.org/2015/05/teaching-and-learning-philosophy-with-technology/
Hello Anjali,
I like your idea that students should know what they are learning and how it will impacts their existing learning. Discussion forums encourages students to have a look upon the peers work.