No doubt, Technology is like wonder for us and in the pandemic time, it helped us tremendously to complete our task. It help us to keep continue with our study without any hurdle and we are almost to achieve or academic deadline to complete the deadline. Just for one second, if we think we were not able to do our task with technology, then we can imagine, in what situation we could be right now.As due to pandemic, we need to stick with our laptops, tabs almost 8 hrs per day, so it could affect our eyes and also we feel isolated and not connected to the world physically. This is really hard to go with this norm. With online learning pedagogy, we remain safe at home which is more important than anything else. I have gone through blog D2L. D2L team is working nonstop to support worldwide requests from higher education institutions and school districts to move some or all of their learning online. In Asia, D2L has launched hundreds of online courses and programs for students in the past couple of months that have not been able to return to campuses in Australia or other countries. In North America, institutions have given the company less than 24-hour notice to switch from classroom learning to online learning.
According to me, this change in learning strategy will definitely change many methods of learning. One of my professors has written to us the discussion that he used to do in the class face to face was not so engaging than he found in online discussion forum. So may be now he used the online discussion forum even during the face to face classroom. We can see from this example, how this learning is going to change the classroom environment.
I looked at the positive view of indulging technology during this pandemic. There could be many prof. who still do not want to include technology into their teaching-learning process. Due this pandemic situation, they need to use to complete the course and run classes smoothly and now they become very familiar like others who are used to of technology and much confident to use technology before.
Hi Anjali!
As it is rightly said that every stick has two ends ,so some teachers might make more use of technology after the pandemic gets over or some might not use it at all. It all depends on one’s experiences and on how accustomed one is in using technology. I agree with us on that technology has done wonders for us in this difficult times.
Thank you for sharing!
I am not sure about you, but I have found that leaning in an online atmosphere is very difficult for me. But I agree there are parts of it that make learning a little more streamline and “on my own time” I think going forward I will introduce more technology, not as the main feature but as an add on to further the learning.