In my teaching so far, I have not used any technological innovations such as AR, VR, remote learning, immersive worlds or personal assistants. Since I am on mat leave, I have not had the experience of teaching my students remotely yet. I have had experience as a student using remote learning through this MEd program, but I did not have experience with remote synchronous classes until the pandemic.

I plan to use AR and VR in my classroom this coming fall. I think AR and VR could help students connect learning to the real world, make learning more meaningful, and help students better understand abstract concepts. Specifically, I hope to use Google Expeditions in my classroom for students to take virtual field trips and bring abstract concepts to life in the classroom (AR). In my teaching, AR and VR would connect to cognitivism and constructivism. I will be planning thoughtful activities for my students in the hopes of increasing their knowledge and ability, while covering curriculum content. I will be observing the students while they are doing the activities to ensure they are understanding the content and to share their learning with their families. Students also enter school with their own experiences and knowledge and will be building upon that through AR and VR. 

One of the challenges to using AR and VR will be that I do not have prior experience with AR and VR, so I will first have to learn these technological innovations myself, then teach my students how to use them. Also, every student has different experiences with technology, and students learn at different paces, so I will ensure to have more adults in the classroom to help groups of students as it can be difficult using technology with kindergarten students and only one adult in the room to help. Lastly, due to the pandemic, new rules are being put in place, including not allowing students to share resources, so students may need to use their own devices (if they have them) or I will have to teach them how to clean the school devices before and after each use. Having parent volunteers will help greatly in this case.