The learning theory that speaks to me the most is the constructivism theory. Constructivism means knowledge is constructed by linking it with the past experiences and connections, new knowledge is produced. I believe people learn more through own experiences and it’s the best way to teach students through constructivism. With this theory, the students are the active learners, they construct their own knowledge, and learn to inquire about the things themselves. If children will get everything on the table plated, they won’t do any efforts. They should know how to construct knowledge and apply it in real life situations. As a student, one of my teachers in primary school applied constructivism theory in our class and I have figured out how to deal with other teachers because at that time I was afraid of teachers and don’t know how to approach them. As an educator, I have applied this theory in my classes by bridging their previous knowledge to the new concepts that they are going to learn. Sometimes, there are problems in linking the things or some students they do not understand so alternative methods are used for teaching and learning.
The app I have explored is Padlet. Padlet helps in collaborative work, students can share their work with peers and can comment on each other post. Videos, text, photos, and many more things can be done with the Padlet. Padlet is aligned with the constructivism and connectivism theory. The students construct knowledge by using past experiences about the topic, connect with others by looking at their work and responding to it and then analyzing the information. Padlet is effective for discussions, sharing work with others, and students could not miss the matter taught in the class if they are absent. I believe it is a good app for teaching and learning.
hi navpreet
Thanks for sharing your insightful views and thoughts on the learning theory. I am agree with you as constructivism is the theory we always apply in our daily life too. we learn by past experience, we understand how to eliminate the error.
Constructivism learner not the passive learner they construct the knowledge by themselves.
Hi Navpreet
This course was my first encounter with Padlet. Nevertheless, I cannot wait to try it out in my classrooms. I love how students are able to construct a document filled with all their individual ideas about what is important. I also think that the way students are able to contribute, add, remove, and format the document as the class or course moves forward, is a perfect example of the theory of chaos and continued learning processes: what is correct today might be wrong tomorrow due to new information input in the subject matter.
Thank you for your share.
Hi Navpreet
I agree, I really like using padelt, it is easy to use and allows you to get a quick snapshot of what is going on in the class. (it also allows students to get creative)
I like this quote “Constructivism means knowledge is constructed by linking it with the past experiences and connections, new knowledge is produced”. and I agree with you it is very important to build on past experiences. We just have to be careful that what they have learned in the past is correct and they do not continue to build on false information.
Hello Nav!
I like your idea that we all learn more with our own experiences and that it is the best form of learning. I couldn’t agree more with you on that “students contruct their own knowledge and learn to inquire about the things themselves”. They become creative and inquistive learners with this and increase their chances of succeeding more in future. I think constructivism makes them ready to face real life situations in a better and realistic way. On the whole, this is a theory which makes teaching and learning more effective.