I am very happy for being a part of this course as this course helps me to expand my spectrum of knowledge related to technology. After completing all the sessions, I get aware of many technology tools and working of different app and how I can indulge those apps in the teaching-learning process in this digital era world.
Firstly, FIPPA part of this semester is really interesting. This concept is totally new for me because I have never heard about this before. Although, I know privacy and security norms, but how this is attached to FIPPA interests me more and navigating through FIPPA during the app review made us more confident and understandable to FIPPA concept. Next time whenever I get the chance to go through any educational app during my teaching or learning experience, I would first see whither it comply with FIPPA regulation or not which helps me to keep my data confidential.
Secondly, the session which resonate me more is knowledge about different technologies (AR, VR, AI, Immersive worlds, digital personal assistants) . I was aware of some of terms before but did not their exact meaning and their usage in education. Through this knowledge, I even get to know the difference between all of them because they seems similar in some sense to a new learner. From all of these technologies, immersive worlds attract me the most. The virBela: the future work is software which is a computer- simulated environment which may be populated by many users who can create a personal avtar, and simultaneously and independently explore the virtual world, participate in its activities and communicate with others. These avatars can be textual, two or graphical representations, or live video with auditory and touch sensations. In general, virtual worlds allow for multiple users but single player computer games.
Now the future education will be more technology oriented and I would inculcate these technologies in my classroom environment as a educator to make learning process more effective and innovative wherever possible.
Hi Anjali,
Thank you for sharing your ideas. I have the same feeling with you. I really enjoyed this class. Also, I also extended my knowledge about technology. I am not only get aware of those awesome technology like immersive world and VR, but also getting familiar with some theories like constructivism and FIPPA which you mentioned in your article.
Please ignored the comment I posted above. It’s by accidence, sorry about that.
Hi Anjali,
Thank you for sharing your ideas. I have the same feeling with you. I really enjoyed this class as well. Also, I also extended my knowledge about technology. I am not only get aware of those awesome technology like immersive world and VR, but also getting familiar with some theories like constructivism and FIPPA which you mentioned in your article. It makes me have a deep understanding in these technologies. Same with you, I would like to think about whether it is align with some learning theories and FIPPA when I am exploring a new tool and application. I agree that the future education model will be more relevant to technology. As a teacher and educator, what we can do is to equip ourselves with more knowledge and experiences in technology and intergrading those knowledge and experiences to the classroom. Learning is a lifelong learning.
Hope you will do great in your teaching.
Best wishes,
Hello Anjali,
I have also learned about AR, VR, and different other technological tools for teaching and learning. It will be beneficial in future for learning new courses. Now we can easily manage to learn new tools of technology.