
This course has been a great help to me personally and professionally. I have enjoyed learning about new apps/tools that I can implement into my classes. My instructor toolbox now has more tools to use.

I believe that by making the learning interactive and bringing out the individuality of the students, we can help each other become more successful and reach our goals. Technology is a way to bring the learning to a higher level. We can provide “greater emphasis on skills, particularly knowledge management, and less on memorizing content” (Bates, 2019).

This course has provided an opportunity to try many apps/tools. At first, I was overwhelmed by the amount of digital resources we could use to enhance the learning experience. The more I looked, the more I realized that you do not need every tool. Too many can cause the learners to become confused, lose interest and create an imbalance in the learning environment. It is key to create an environment for interaction and discussion with technology “it is important to emphasise that technology is just one component within any effective learning environment, and needs to be balanced and integrated with all the other components (Bates, 2019, A.73). It is important to change the way we deliver information. With the increase in diversity and educational expectations and challenges, it is important to know the students and their learning needs. We need to put emphasis on our “teaching methods that lead to student success, more individualization of learning, and more flexible delivery are all needed to meet the challenge of an increasingly diverse student body.” (Bates, 2019, para 9). I have learned that with balance, patience, and trying new things, I can continue to expand my “instructor’s toolbox”. I need to build a learning environment, not just a learning plan.




Bates, T. (2019). Appendix 1: Building an effective learning environment: Methods of teaching with an online focus. (2nd ed.).

Bates, T. (2019). Changing students, changing markets for higher education 1.6: Methods of teaching with an online focus. (2nd ed.).