My take-away
The Covid-19 pandemic forced the world to entertain several new realities that will result from it in the coming years. Amongst the most prominent spheres that were impacted, was that of education. The very existence of this course is a direct result of it. When the opportunity to enrol was presented to us, I seized the opportunity and adjusted my degree plan to accommodate it. For me, this is the most valuable lesson we have all had to learn during these times: adjustment.
Throughout the course, I was introduced to theories and technology with which I was unfamiliar with, such as FIPPA and AR. By exploring these uncharted territories and learning from the perspectives of my colleagues and their experiences, I feel better equipped to search out technology for my teaching field, and I can even say that I feel challenged to bring more technology into my classrooms.
The experience surrounding the theoretical application that I have gained throughout this course will be beneficial for my future teaching plans; it will allow me to select the best apps and technologies to provide students with the most efficient learning experiences.
Moreover, I shall evaluate future courses that I want to enrol in with a different lens, hoping to select the courses that contain the best learning opportunities and experiences.
One of my favourite activities was the Wiki building experience as it showed me the power of collaboration and the vividity of Connectivism (Bates, 2019). How we all contributed to shaping and moulding the knowledge contained within that Wiki, was like watching a flower bloom: an enriching experience.
The final realization that I came to throughout this course is that learning and technology are messy. There is no one way to achieve a goal and that by being fluid, accommodating, and willing to adapt, we can make it through any scenario that comes our way.
Bates, A. W. (2019). Teaching in a digital-age – Second edition. Tony Bates Associates Ltd.
Hi Ruhann,
Thanks for sharing your take away.
I like as you write, if we are willing to adapt, we can make it through any scenario that comes our way. Yes, you are right; we should be adaptable to face the challenges that come across in our lives. I also believe that learning is a lifelong process, and we keep on updating our skills in every phase of our lives. Every opportunity gives us something to learn, and we just need to be ready to catch it. The same is with this course as we learned a lot about different digital tools that will have a long-lasting effect on us to make our teaching interactive and fun.
Kind Regards
Jaspreet Kaur
Hi Ruhann & Jaspreet!
I totally agree with you both with the adjustment we have done. Firstly COVID-19 & then online learning. Technology transforms our learning experience face to face from online learning. In this course, I think we all have learned that how can we all can collaborate better with our classmates with the help of technology. Technology empowers us to be more creative and connected.
Thanx & Regards
Pushpinder Kaur
Thanks for sharing your experience. There were so many eye words like adjustment, adaptability, challenged, which are self elaborative and vividly explain the change we are facing. This change has made it obligated to include tech-based educational tools which have proved quite challenging not only for educators but also for learners.
I agree that the experiences we got from this rapid change and our learnings from this course would do a great contribution to future teaching plans. I am in total agreement that “learning and technology are messy” especially for those, for whom it was new. secondly, technology is so wide, despite your efforts and hard work to know it all, you will still feel the need to know more.
Thanking you,
Hello Ruhann et al.
Thank you for sharing your insights and perspectives about the course and how you will apply your learning in your professional lives. I feel truly honoured to have been on this journey with you and to have had the opportunity to grow in knowledge and to have collaboratively increased our capacity to connect in and through variety of Educational Technology platforms.
I wish you all much success as you continue on with your Master’s program! I hope that our digital paths will cross again someday soon!
Much love, laughter, and learning!